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Answers to
frequently asked questions.
What is homoeopathy?
How does homoeopathy look at health, disease and cure?
What kind of diseases can homeopathy treat?
Do Homoeopathic medicines have any side effects?
Why are homeopathic remedies slow to act?
Is Homoeopathy a cure-all medicine?
How can I find a good homeopath?
How can I know that a homeopath is competent?
What should I expect at the visit to a homeopath?
What is homoeopathy?
Homoeopathy is a medical system of treatment that
uses natural remedies to arouse and strengthen the natural capacity of the body
to overcome disease. Homeopathic remedies come mainly from plant, animal and
mineral sources. The most important aspect, however, is not the source of the
remedies but the special method of their preparation which involves a repeated
process of mixing, diluting and shaking till the chemical properties of the
substance to be used as remedy are totally eliminated. This systematic and
calculated process of remedy preparation, introduced by a German physician, Dr.
Samuel Hahnemann, about two centuries back, has dual advantage:
i) it arouses the deeper therapeutic power of the remedy which remains
latent in the presence of chemical properties and ii) it renders the
remedy totally safe as with the washing away of the chemical properties, there
remains no chance of chemical toxicity.
The concept of health, disease and cure revolves around the
presence and governance of a self-regulating force within the body. This force
is responsible to maintain health and keep the body, its organs and systems in a
perfect working order. In health, it functions at its optimum and ensures that
all the organs and systems perform harmoniously so that the individual may work
towards the fulfillment of the high purpose of his creation. In disease,
it attempts to restore the normal state. Disease is seen as the central
disturbance of this force caused or excited by its failure or inability to cope
with external disease producing factors such as bacteria, virus, environmental
or medicinal pollution, extremes of weather, etc. Disease is recognized through
signs and symptoms which are termed as body’s effort at self-healing. The object
of treatment is to bring this force to its former state of normal functioning
through homoeopathic doses.
How does homoeopathy look at health, disease and cure?
Health is a balanced state where all organs and systems of the
body perform in a harmonious way and the individual has a sense and feeling of
wellness – both physically and mentally. Disease is a departure from normalcy in
functions and sensations. Each one of us has the natural capacity to overcome
disease. We fall ill because this natural capacity becomes subdued due to a
number of factors such as stress, bacteria, virus, environmental or medicinal
pollution, extremes of weather, etc. The energized homoeopathic doses provide a
light stimulus to our defense system and it once again becomes active. As a
result, we return to health.
What kind of diseases can homeopathy treat?
Homeopathy can treat a wide range of diseases including acute,
infectious, chronic and in some cases even those diseases where surgery seems to
be imminent. Some of the areas where homeopathy has helped avoid surgery
are diseases of nose, throat, eyes, tonsils, spine, digestive organs, kidneys,
gall-bladder, prostate gland, female reproductive organs, etc. Cases of
arthritis, asthma, migraine, allergies, etc. respond well. In brief, all
diseases without irreversible pathological changes can successfully be treated
with homeopathy.
Do Homoeopathic medicines have any side effects?
Single homeopathic remedies prescribed and taken appropriately
are 100% safe, even if taken for a longer period. The same cannot be said
about multi-ingredient medicines (loosely called mixtures, combinations,
compounds and also Homoeopathy by Numbers) as there is no dependable scientific
study to show their safety though claims by the manufacturing companies abound.
Good homoeopaths avoid prescribing multi-ingredient medicines.
Why are homeopathic remedies slow to act?
Homoeopathic remedies are NOT slow to act!
Just try to see, what type of cases come to a homoeopath; chronic
cases of long standing; the cases that have defied all modes of conventional
treatment; the cases that have been overdrugged and declared “incurable”.
In such cases, if homoeopathy takes a few months to effect a cure or to provide
a long lasting relief, that, in all fairness, should not be misconstrued as
“slowness” of homoeopathic remedies. There is a difference between a “prompt
but temporary relief” and a “cure” (permanent removal of disease).
Homeopathy does not try to suppress or cover up symptoms to provide “prompt
relief” rather addresses the underlying cause so that the disease is radically
cured wherever it is possible.
Is Homoeopathy a cure-all medicine?
No, it is not. Homoeopathy can cure almost all acute diseases in
a shorter period than any other system of medicine. It is highly effective in a
number of chronic diseases. It can safely cure several such cases where surgery
seems to be imminent. But, like any other science, it has its scope and
limitations. Cases with advanced tissue changes usually do not respond well to
homoeopathic treatment, though, in such cases too, a temporary relief can be
How can I find a good homeopath?
The best way to find a good homeopath is to get referred to one
through recommendation of a satisfied patient. Ask your friends and
acquaintances. One of them may be able to refer you to a good homoeopath.
How can I know that a homeopath is competent?
That is very difficult but the following hints will be helpful.
First, see what does he prescribe: single remedies or multi-ingredient medicines
(i.e. combinations and mixtures) or both? Good homeopaths usually do not
prescribe combinations and mixtures. Secondly, see how many single remedies he
prescribes for a patient. A competent homeopath will prescribe one or two
(single) remedies. Suspect his competence if he prescribes more than two single
remedies. Thirdly, be wary if he uses lengthy initials or titles with his name.
The only legal qualification recognized by the National Council for Homeopathy
is D.H.M.S. Those with a qualification of D.H.M.S. are registered with the
National Council for Homoeopathy and entitled to use initials “R.H.M.P.” that
stand for Registered Homoeopathic Medical Practitioner. Other initials or titles
are just showpieces meant to attract and impress patients. Fourthly, see how
much time does he give to each patient. Initial visits to experienced homeopaths
may take from 20 minutes to an hour in chronic cases. Subsequent visits may take
10-30 minutes. In acute cases, he may take 5-15 minutes. It is possible to
schedule less time than the above under some extraordinary circumstances but
that is the exception not the rule.
What should I expect at the visit to a homeopath?
Since homeopathy is a highly individualized treatment, focusing
on the patient as a whole, the homoeopath would be interested not only in
your present illness but would also like to know about your personality
characteristics and traits, your habits and moods, likes and dislikes or
preferences for certain food items, your achievements and disappointments, your
reaction to weather changes, to stressful situations, to warmth and cold, … the
list is long. You will feel, he wants to know all about you - at times even to
the extent of your routine in 24 hours. Well, such a deep probing may appear
disturbing to you but it is essential in order to have a thorough understanding
of YOU and your medical problems.
The first interview can last from 20 minutes to over an hour
depending upon the nature of your disease and the skill and experience of the
homoeopath. During all this period, you will find him extremely attentive,
listening, asking questions and taking notes of essential points. Once the
interview (case-taking) is over, he will go over the notes and may ask you a few
more questions to clarify some points. Then, after analyzing the data so
gathered, he will write out a prescription, keeping in view your personal
particulars and specific problems.
Some homoeopaths have a printed questionnaire. The patient is
asked to provide detailed answers to the questions set out in the questionnaire
to save time. The information provided by the patient is held in the strictest
Patients ask.
Why do most of the homeopaths in Pakistan refuse to give names of
the medicines they prescribe?
should I give to my son, Belladonna 30 or Bapatisia 30 for fever?
is the best medicine for arthritis?
disappointing experience about homoeopathy!
Combination Numbers really effective?
is the difference between single and multi-ingredient medicines?
do health, disease and cure mean from homoeopathic point of view?
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